CVSA Code of Conduct

The CVSA promotes good sportsmanship and encourages all players to have fun in the game of soccer. Parent/guardians are the most important role models in providing a positive environment and everyone is expected to set a good example for his or her child to play in this league

  • CVSA expects its member-parents to:
    • Exhibit behavior that reflects positively on the organization
    • Support the organization's goals regarding good sportsmanship and having fun
    • Have the best interest of the children at heart
    • Set a good example for the children to follow
  • As a parent/guardian with children registered in the Chartiers Valley Soccer Association, I agree to the following:
    • I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, game officials, and administrators.
    • I will place all players' emotional and physical well-being ahead of any personal desire to win.
    • I will support the coaches, officials, and administrators working with my child, to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
    • I will remember that the game is for the players, not for the adults.
    • I will ask my child to treat other players, coaches, game officials, administrators, and fans with respect.
    • I will always be positive and will stress the importance of team play.
    • I will always allow the coach to be the only coach.
    • I will not get into arguments with the opposing team’s parents, players, or coaches.
    • I will not come onto the field for any reason during the game.
    • I will not criticize game officials.
    • I shall not possess, consume, or distribute before, during or after any game or at any other time at the field and/or game complex alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs or unauthorized prescription drugs.
    • I will refrain from any activity or conduct that may be detrimental or reflect adversely upon CVSA, its members or its programs.
    • I understand that any person I invite to a CVSA event must abide by the same Code of Coduct and I assume responsibility to ensure it is followed.
    • I have read, understand and will follow the following:
      • No one is permitted to be behind the goals during play.
      • Parents/spectators are to remain on the opposite side of the field of the player/coach bench.
      • Only Coaches with approved clearances are permitted on the team sidelines.
      • There will be ZERO Tolerance for:
        • Yelling at or Threatening referees, opposing players or coaches.
        • Verbal Criticism of scolding of players or coaches
        • Direct Confrontations with parents, players, referees or coaches
        • Unnecessary or Exaggerated celebrations of a goal score or a game won that is
          intended to embarrass or demean the opposition.
        • Any Physical Abuse of any person at a CVSA event
        • Unauthorized individual approaching the bench area during the game. Unless
          summoned by a player or coach in need of assistance.
        • Weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited
        • Use of tobacco or alcohol is prohibited
        • Pets are prohibited
  • Any breach in the Code of Conduct can result in, but not limited to:
    • Verbal Warning
    • Written Warning by the President of CVSA
    • Game Forfeit
    • Individual Game or Season suspension.
      • Incidents will be kept on file by CVSA with a referral of disciplinary action to PA West.

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